Isabella Griffiths

Isabella Griffiths

"I hope that I can help those in need on campus, be a friend to everyone I encounter, and leave ÐÔ¸£±¦ better than when I arrived."

What’s your name, major and where are you from?

Hi there! My name is Isabella Griffiths, I was born and raised in Oregon and have moved around a couple of cities in Oregon but my current hometown is in Happy Valley. I’m majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences and double minoring in Communication and Business.

Tell us about your time at ÐÔ¸£±¦ so far?

My time at ÐÔ¸£±¦ has been so much fun. I’ve met friends I’m going to have for life, meeting people from all over the world, had the most fun in my life, and been able to learn something new each and every day. I was born and raised a Beav so it’s been really cool to carry on the legacy in my family. 

Are you part of any clubs, sports, or student organizations? Do you have a job?

I’m in OSU’s S.A.F.E.R. club as the Community Outreach Chair and I play IM sports. I’m also an avid lifter at Dixon. 

What kind of work do you do currently?

I currently work as a photographer! I do grad pics, engagements, weddings, etc. 

Do you have any dreams after college? 

My dream after college is to move to Florida and go to grad school out there to become a grief therapist for children and teens who have lost parents. I also hope to travel a lot both in and outside of the United States. 

Is there anything you’re passionate about? How does this apply to your work or impact in your community?

I am super passionate about people and my hobbies. I’m a very social person and I love meeting new people and spending time with my friends is always a highlight of my day. Some of my hobbies include lifting/working out, painting, baking (I have a HUGE sweet tooth), traveling, photography, watching movies, spending time with friends and family, hiking, and traveling. On campus, when I'm not in class you’ll find me at Dixon. Once I get in, it's hard for me to get out. I love lifting and I could spend hours in the gym. When I’m not in the gym, you can find me with my friends or traveling. 

You’ve overcome many challenges to get you to this point. If comfortable, please share a challenge and briefly comment on what you learned from it or how you got through it.

One of the most difficult experiences I have been through in my life has been processing my dad passing away from cancer when I was 16. My dad was my best friend and the most amazing husband to my mom and the best dad to my brother and me. Growing up without him has been unbearable at times, but I have learned how important it is to never take a day for granted and to always appreciate the moments I have with people because we are never guaranteed tomorrow. I appreciate life so much more now because I know how momentary it is. I live each day now with the intention to live it to the fullest and I am living out a life for my dad. 

In the next year of your life, what do you look forward to most? 

In the next year of my life, I am looking forward to spending my last year at OSU with my friends and graduating in the winter. 

If you could deliver one message to your peers, what would you say?

One message I would say to my peers is to strive to live every day as if it were your last. Try something new you were always afraid of trying, you never know where it might take you when you choose to not allow fear to take over. Actively pursue your goals and dreams; with effort and consistency, you have within you what you need to succeed. Treat people kindly and have the courage to do what is right in all situations, even the smallest act of kindness has the potential to change someone’s life forever. Be confident in who you are, there is only one of you and you have a purpose in this life that only you can achieve.